Law on Patents, Layout-Designs of Integrated Circuits, Plant Varieties, and Industrial Designs of Saudi Arabia - En ver.
This consolidated version of the Law on Patents, Layout-Designs of Integrated Circuits, Plant Varieties, and Industrial Designs incorporates amendments introduced by the Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 536 of 10/19/1439 (July 3, 2018). The said amending Decision No. 536 amends the following provisions of this consolidated text: - Article 2 was amended where the words “City: King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology” were replaced by “Authority: the Saudi Authority for Intellectual Property”; the words 'Directorate: The General Directorate of Patents at King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology' were deleted; - Article 35, paragraph b, Article 42 and Article 63 were amended where the words 'President of the City' were replaced by the words 'the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Authority'.